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1. At the start of this project you log on into your aws management console, and navigate to s3. And go to create bucket at the topright hand corner of your management console.

s3 bucket navigation

2.  You have to make your sure (Access control list) ACLs are disabled here prior to creation of your bucket in s3

2.0 make sure acl is enabled prior to creation of your bucket

3.  within  the bucket creation setting make sure to check the mark says ” i acknowledge the current settings might result in this bucket and the objects within becoming public

4.  go to create s3  bucket and the image below will be displayed on your screen with the feedback

4. create a bucket in s3

5.  Return to the Amazon s3 console with your bucket page and open choose objects to upload website content within your bucket.

FILES upload in s3 bucket

6. visual description of a successful upload of your files below.

6.1 uploaded website files
  • You have to make your sure (Access control list) ACLs are disabled here prior to creation of your bucket in s3
  •  What is the yellow pop up saying?

    A yellow warning banner will pop up when you enable ACLs. This banner tells you that it’s simpler to use another tool called bucket policies.

  •  What’s a bucket website endpoint?

    A bucket website endpoint is just like a regular website URL. It lets people visit your S3 bucket as a website.

7.   Edit and configure static website hosting. This makes your website public on the internet. Edit static website hosting

6 edit static website hosting

8.   A bucket website endpoint is just like a regular website URL. It lets people visit your S3 bucket as a website.

6.1 uploaded website files

9.   The error message you’re seeing is telling you that your static website is being hosted by S3, but the actual HTML/image files you’ve uploaded are still private

6.2 we were denied access to our website and what is the reason

8.  To solve this error, we need to set the permission of the objects to public –

6.3 we will get a caution to make it public

9.   In the Actions dropdown, choose Make public using ACL.

7. to solve error make public acl files

10.    Return to the web browser tab that has the 403 Forbidden message.

7.1successfully made it public